Flea market of Temploux - Brocante 2025 - 16 &17 August

Information to all exhibitors !

For various reasons, we will now communicate with you as much as possible by email.
We therefore sent the registration form and the rules by email.

Exhibitors, please check your emails as well as your “spam”!

2025: 46th Flea Market !

800 exhibitors on
​1200 locations,
750 volunteers,
to welcome between 180.000 and 200.000 visitors.















Avec le soutien du
Commissariat général au Tourisme



Feu d'artifice à 22 h 30 le samedi 16 août, près du Hall Sportif, rue Visart de Bocarmé.
Les acheteurs belges d'Affaire conclue seront présents à la Brocante de Temploux pour vous aider à évaluer la valeur de vos objets. (Studio VivaCité/Viva+) 

The next flea markets:

2025: 16-17/08
​2026: 22-23/08
2027: 21-22/08
2028: 19-20/08
2029: 18-19/08
2030: 17-18/08
2031: 16-17/08
2032: 21-22/08

For the flea market, line 23 is reinforced between Namur and Temploux.

Buses display the destination “23 TEMPLOUX Brocante”.